Download the Dynamic Converter sidebox files hereThe "AUTO DETECT PRICES" option must be selected in Step 1 (selected by default).
Step 3. Copy File
This step will copy the sidebox files that will allow your visitors to select their currency.Copy the includes directory within the above zip file to the installation directory of your zencart. (You can select yes to the override warning as only the dynamicconverter sidebox files will be affected.)
Step 4. Pasting the Installation String into your website.
Under 'Step 2. - Installation String', on the Dynamic Converter Settings page in the text box, you will see the Installation String for your site. That Installation String now needs to be added to your web site pages.This is the best way of installing the script, without modifiying the core footer file.
Admin->Configuration->Layout Settings->place dynamicconvert in either
banner display groups - Footer Position 2 or 3 (3 preferred)
Admin->Tools->Banner Manager->Add new banner with the following settings
Banner status: Active
Banner New Window: Yes
Banner on SSL: Yes
Banner Title: dynamicconverter
Banner Group: (new banner group) dynamicconvert
Image: BLANK
Image Target: BLANK
HTML Text: ## paste in your installation code here ##
Sort Order: 0
Scheduled At: BLANK
Expires On: BLANK, 0
Click Update